My passion is to preserve and improve the quality of life of all my patients. I aim to assist them in overcoming any physical challenges that they may face. My interests lie with lower limb biomechanical gait analysis, orthotic solutions for osteoarthritis of the knee, sport injuries and rehabilitation, as well as conservative management of scoliosis and acute spinal injuries.
Malcolm Freedman is a member of the South African Orthotic and Prosthetic Association (SAOPA).
Orthotist & Prosthetist
B-Tech MOP (TUT)HPCSA 0S 5711 Pr 0122580
At Malcolm Freedman and Associates; patients have immediate access to the very best in sports, medical and lifestyle support products. Clinical experience and research have ensured a comprehensive product range is offered. Only the most effective products are used for the treatment of neck, spine, wrist, knee, foot, ankle, finger and toe injuries. Assessment, casting and manufacturing of prosthetic devices is done in our lab. Here we work together with the amputees to achieve their goals.
All patients are assessed and treated in a professional and personalized environment.
Portfolio for Orthotic and Prosthetic Services
There have been significant technological advances in modern healthcare in recent years and this has radically altered the role of the prosthetist and orthotist by expanding from a focused technological input to an inclusive set of skills, thus becoming an integral part of the rehabilitation team.
The expertise and input of many professional disciplines is often necessary to best serve the needs of patients and their families.
As a practicing Healthcare professional, I am able to collaborate in diverse health care functions and to contribute towards providing the most effective outcome for patients.
Rehabilitation, particularly in the field of orthotics and prosthetics, lends itself to the interdisciplinary team approach, because the total care of patients with complex and varying disorders requires a wide range of knowledge and skills. The healthcare team has become an essential part of modern medical care.
The professionals with whom I am most often associated include orthopaedic, neuro- and vascular surgeons, neurologists, physicians, wound care professionals and physiotherapists. By designing, fabricating and fitting orthoses or custom-made braces, I provide care to patients of all ages with neuromuscular and musculoskeletal impairments that limit functional ability.
Services include evaluating the patient’s functional and cosmetic needs, designing the orthosis/prosthesis, selecting appropriate components, fabricating, fitting and aligning the orthosis and then educating the patient on appropriate use.
We provide care to patients with partial or total absence of limbs, by designing, making and fitting prostheses or artificial limbs. This may include creating the design to fit the individual’s particular functional and cosmetic needs, evaluating the fit and function and then explaining the care and maintenance of the equipment.
Access to global sourcing – introduces products suitable for use in an emergency unit and for post-operative rehabilitation, including leg walker boots, range-of-movement knee braces, wrist and hand orthoses, cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine orthoses.