For moderate involved cases of footdrop

ToeOFF is recommended for patients with:

  • Limb proprioception deficit

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  • Mild to moderate spasticity
  • Partial foot amputations
  • Footdrop with moderate involvement – mild to severe foot drop accompanied with mild to moderate Impaired knee control

The ToeOFF® carbon composite AFO has proven itself invaluable for more than ten years in helping manage adult gait deficits, including those with some tone involvement. Now you can extend many of the benefits of this design concept to manage the lower extremity functional challenges of this younger population.

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For less involved cases of footdrop

  • This brace as designed for the stable ankle to provide dynamic toe-off whilst allowing natural ankle movements.

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  • Allows more medial, lateral and rotational ankle movement to provide the opportunity for functional, or potentially functional, muscles, tendons, and ligaments to function and strengthen.

Ypsilon is recommended for patients with:

  • Weak dorsi-flexors
  • Peroneal nerve injury
  • No or mild spasticity
  • Stable ankle
  • Sensory Nerve Injury

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For more involved cases of footdrop

BlueRocker is identical in shape and in design as the ToeOFF but offering more orthotic control.

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  • Developed primarily for bilateral patients and those with more involved pathology
  • The extra stability will improve both balance and posture and give the wearer greater security, especially individuals with weak quadriceps muscles
  • Usually the preferred orthosis to be used in conjunction with a prosthetic socket and toe filler for management of partial foot amputations

BlueRocker is recommended for patients with:

  • Footdrop with multiple involvement – severe ankle instability, and/ or proximal neuro-muscular weakness/deficits
  • Limb proprioception deficit
  • Severe spasticity
  • Reduced knee and hip control

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Kiddie Gait
Start off on the right foot - Give toddlers an orthosis that will allow their little feet to move in a more fluid and natural biomechanical gait pattern.

Pediatric gait poses special challenges due to dynamic muscle tone that often presents in much of this population.

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Not only are there the usual ground reaction forces involved in gait biomechanics, but also top-down spasticity driven forces exacerbate gait deviations and deformities. Now, KiddieGAIT offers innovative options that have never been available for AFO management of these challenges. Functional environments can be created that supplement gait function instead of immobilizing

  • Designed to allow integration of your custom foot orthotic to help control ground-up forces
  • Lateral strut can also serve as a base to affix a T-Strap to control excessive eversion at the ankle
  • Anterior shell to assist in management of proximal deficits by helping to overcome either knee hyperextension or crouched gait


  • Footdrop
  • Gait deviation secondary to proprioceptive deficit (either unstable or low-tone gait)
  • Toe-walker with no midfoot collapse
  • Low Tone Crouch Gait
  • Spina Bifida
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Muscular Dystrophy


  • Lacking ROM towards dorsiflexion (need at least 5° dorsiflexion past neutral)
  • Very rigid foot structure
  • Quadriceps spasticity Fixed postural Genu Valgumor Genu Varum
  • Fixed postural PesValgus or PesVarus


  • Knee hyperextension

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is a unique group of products developed to assist different levels of dorsi-flexion weakness.Product development and manufacturing takes place in Sweden. ToeOFF has been considered a quantum leap in AFO technology since it was launched in 1997. The product’s dynamic function, the open heel design in combination with the anterior support, makes the ToeOFF-Family of products very unique compared to any other prefabricated AFO’s on the market. The softness at heel contact, the stability in stance and the dynamic "toe-off" offers the patient increased function and a more natural gait pattern.

  • Each patient can be fitted with a customized dynamic response appropriate to their level of involvement, activity level, body weight and proximal deficits.
  • Walking can become more stable, fluid propulsive and symmetrical.
  • As the appearance of a limp decreases, energy expenditure decrease and distance capacity increases